

Password Store

Push changes to git

pass git push -u --all

Format of store

Add multiline password:

pass insert -m NAME
URL: *.amazon.com/*
Username: [email protected]
Secret Question 1: What is your childhood best friend's most bizarre superhero fantasy? Oh god, Amazon, it's too awful to say...
Phone Support PIN #: 84719

Set vim to default editor in Ubuntu

sudo update-alternatives --config editor

PPA Location


scp file to remote server

scp file.txt [email protected]:/remote/directory/newfilename.txt


## Get size of a folder
    du -sh 


xrandr –dpi 144 –output eDP-1 –mode 1920x1080 –scale 1x1

xrandr –dpi 144 –fb 2880x2700
–output HDMI-1-1 –mode 1920x1080 –pos 0x0 –scale 1.5x1.5
–output eDP-1-1 –mode 1920x1080 –pos 0x1620 –scale 1x1

Add folder to PATH

  1. Open the .bashrc file in your home directory
  2. Add export PATH=“your-dir:$PATH”
  3. Save
  4. Restart terminal


:source ~/.vimrc - Reload vimrc file

Splitting screen

Ctrl+w +v - Split screen vertically Ctrl+w +h - Focus to left pane Ctrl+w +l - Focus to right pane Ctrl+w +j - Focus to down pane

VIM / TMUX pane navigation (vim-tmux-navigator)

Ctrl+h - Focus to left pane Ctrl+l - Focus to right pane Ctrl+j - Focus to below pane Ctrl+l - Focus to above pane

Copy and paste between vim splits


ww (\ww)- Open wiki index file wi (\wi)- Open diary index file wi (\w\i)- Re-generate diary index ww - Create new diary entry for today wt - Create new diary entry for today in new tab wr - Rename file zr - unfold zm - fold zM - fold all Ctrl+w +s - Split pane horizontally


C (Capital c) - set folder to working directory



j - Lower the priority of the current line k - Increase the priority of the current line a - Add the priortiy (A) to the current line b - Add the priortiy (B) to the current line c - Add the priortiy © to the current line


d - Insert the current date p - Postpone the due date (accepts a count) P - Decrement the due date (accepts a count)


x - Toggle mark task as done C - Toggle mark task as cancelled X - Mark all tasks as completed D - Move completed tasks to done file